Sabtu, 01 Oktober 2011

Rumah dara hororr

Sejak beberapa waktu lalu ketika nonton film pendek Dara yang tergabung di film Takut: Faces of Fear, aku sangat menunggu tanggal rilisnya Rumah Dara (ato disebut Macabre untuk peredaran di luar negeri). Beruntunglah aku wiken kemaren bisa nonton midnight Rumah Dara di Blitz GI. Kalo di Takut: Faces of Fear aku ngasih 5 bintang untuk Dara kayaknya di Rumah Dara aku gak akan ngasih rating sebanyak itu. Mungkin karena ekspektasi yang terlalu tinggi, jadi merasa agak kecewa sama Rumah Dara.

Ladya (Julie Estelle) mempunyai masalah masa lalu dengan kakak cowoknya Adjie (Ario Bayu). Karena merasa tidak enak sama Astrid (Sigi Wimala), istri Adjie yang sedang hamil, Ladya terpaksa ikut mengantarkan kepergian Adjie dan Astrid ke Bandara. Karena Astrid dan Adjie bakal meninggalkan Indonesia untuk tinggal di Australia. Dalam perjalanan ke Jakarta dari Bandung, mereka juga ditemani sama Eko (Dendy Subangil), Alam (VJ Mike), dan Jimmy (VJ Daniel). Awal malapetaka yang tak terduga bagi mereka ketika menolong dan mengantarkan pulang seorang cewek bernama Maya (Imelda Therinne) yang mengaku dirampok. Di rumah tua penuh misteri itu mereka bertemu dengan Dara (Shareefa Daanish), ibu Maya dan Adam (Arifin Putra) serta Arman (Ruli Lubis), kedua kakak Maya. Keluarga Dara itu keliatan baik dengan menjamu mereka dengan makanan enak dan mewah. Namun ternyata makanan itu sudah dicampur dengan racun yang membuat mereka tidak sadarkan diri. Dan ketika mereka mulai sadar, mereka dipersiapkan untuk dibantai satu per satu oleh keluarga Dara.

Setelah itu diperlihatkan pembantaian-pembantaian sadis yang dilakukan oleh keluarga dara terhadap para korbannya. Pedang, pisau, gergaji mesin, golok, clurit, bahkan konde jadul dipakai sebagai alat pembantaian. Darah dimana-mana. Semua pemaen berdarah-darah. Walopun agak kecewa dengan kebodohan beberapa karakter (karakter yg bodoh adalah khas film horror), namun efek gore dan slasher penuh darah yang sempurna membuat kekurangan itu tertutupi. Selain itu juga misteri karakter Dara yang awet muda dan (sepertinya) abadi tidak aku temukan jawabannya di film ini. Denger-denger sih bakal ada sekuelnya (sumber: klik disini). Bahkan bukan tidak mungkin Rumah Dara bakal dibikin versi Hollywood-nya.

Untuk akting para aktor-nya juga bagus kok. Bahkan untuk Shareefa Danish dan Julie Estelle mampu memerankan karakter mereka dengan sangat baik. Namun menurutku yang agak kurang adalah akting VJ Daniel dan Arifin Putra (walopun banyak yg bilang akting Arifin bagus banget). Dan kalo gak salah ada Joko Anwar juga sebagai cameo (selain Aming tentunya)

Overall, Rumah Dara sangat menarik ditonton. Belum pernah ada film Indonesia ber-genre gore dengan tingkat kesadisan yang gila kayak gini. Jangan bilang penggemar film horror gore slasher kalo belum nonton Rumah Dara. Tunggu 21 Januari di bioskop ya bagi yang mau nonton!! Entah kenapa film yg sebenernya dah diikutkan di beberapa festival film sejak berbulan-bulan lalu baru rilis secara luas di bulan ini...

soal matematika peluang

1. Pada pelemparan dua dadu homogen bersisi 6, peluang keduanya muncul mata dadu prima yang sama adalah…
2. Pada pelemparan dua dadu homogen bersisi 6, peluang muncul mata dadu berjumlah 8 adalah…
3. Pada pelemparan dua dadu homogen bersisi 6, peluang muncul mata dadu berjumlah kelipatan 3 adalah…
4. Dua dadu dilempar sekali secara bersamaan. Peluang dadu pertama muncul mata dadu genap dan dadu kedua muncul mata dadu prima adalah…
5. Sebuah dadu dilempar sekali. Peluang muncul mata dadu 3 atau 5 adalah…
6. Dua mata uang dilempar secara bersamaan. Peluang muncul keduanya gambar adalah…
7. Tiga mata uang dilempar secara bersamaan. Peluang muncul 2 gambar adalah…
8. Empat mata uang dilempar secara bersamaan sekali. Peluang muncul paling sedikit 2 angka adalah…
9. Sebuah dadu dan sebuah mata uang dilempar secara bersamaan sekali. Peluang muncul mata dadu faktor dari 6 dan sisi gambar adalah…
10. Sebuah huruf diambil secara acak dari kata “MATEMATIKA”. Peluang terambil huruf M adalah…
11. Dari seperangkat kartu bridge akan dipilih 1 kartu secara acak. Peluang terambilnya kartu As berwarna merah adalah…
12. Dalam sebuah kantong terdapat 3 bola merah, 7 bola kuning, dan 5 bola hijau. Peluang terambilnya 1 bola hijau secara acak adalah…
13. Dua dadu dilempar bersamaan. Peluang muncul mata dadu berjumlah lebih dari 9 adalah…
14. Tiga mata uang dilempar bersamaan sekali. Peluang munculnya paling sedikit 1 gambar adalah…
15. Banyak ruang sampel pada pelemparan 1 dadu dan 1 buah mata uang adalah…
16. Banyak ruang sampel pada pelemparan 5 buah mata uang sekaligus adalah…
17. Bila seseorang memiliki 4 baju, 3 celana, dan 2 sepatu. Mata banyak cara orang tersebut berpakaian adalah…
18. Dari pelemparan sebuah dadu sebanyak 150 kali, frekuensi harapan muncul mata dadu faktor prima dari 6 adalah...
19. Tiga buah mata uang dilempar bersamaan sebanyak 120 kali. Jika A adalah kejadian muncul sedikitnya 1 sisi angka. Maka frekuensi harapan munculnya kejadian A adalah...
20. Dalam percobaan melemparkan sebuah dadu, munculnya mata dadu prima ganjil sebanyak 15 kali. Banyak percobaan yang dilakukan adalah...
21. Sebuah kantong berisi 15 kelereng merah, 12 kelereng putih, dan 25 kelereng biru. Bila sebuah kelereng diambil secara acak, maka peluang terambilnya kelereng putih adalah...
22. Dalam sebuah kardus terdapat 10 bola merah, 17 bola kuning, dan 3 bola hitam. Sebuah bola diambil secara acak, ternyata berwarna merah dan tidak dikembalikan. Jika kemudian diambil satu lagi, maka nilai kemungkinan bola tersebut berwarna merah adalah...
23. Sebuah mata uang dan sebuah dadu dilempar bersamaan sebanyak 480 kali. Frekuensi harapan munculnya mata dadu prima genap dan angka adalah...
24. Frekuensi harapan munculnya mata dadu bilangan prima bila sebuah dadu dilemparkan 750 kali adalah...
25. Dari 900 kali percobaan melempar dua dadu secara bersamaan, frekuensi harapan muncul mata dadu berjumlah 5 adalah...
26. Jika sebuah dadu dilempar 36 kali, maka frekuensi harapan muncul mata dadu bilangan prima adalah...
27. Dari 60 kali pelemparan sebuah dadu, maka frekuensi harapan munculnya mata dadu faktor dari 6 adalah...
28. Sebuah dadu dilemparkan 240 kali. Frekuensi harapan munculnya bilangan prima adalah...
29. Peluang seorang anak terkena suatu penyakit adalah 0,15. Jumlah anak dari 1.000 anak yang diperkirakan tidak terkena penyakit itu adalah...
30. Dari kota A ke kota B ada 3 jalan dan dari kota B ke kota C ada 4 jalan. Dengan demikian dari kota A ke kota C dapat ditempuh dengan...

perbedaan westlife dan backstreet boys

Westlife dan Backstreet boys
Boyband ?? Siapa yang tidak mengenal aliran musik yang satu ini?? Aliran musik yang beranggotakan cowok-cowok rupawan yang pastinya jago nge-dance dan juga memiliki kualitas suara yang sangat bagus. Biasanya aliran musik ini mempunyai penggemar yang sebagin besar adalah kaum hawa. Bahkan boyband sudah terkenal dari tahun 90-an. Salah satu contohnya adalah BACKSTREET BOYS dan WESTLIFE.
Westlife adalah Boyband legendaris ini berasal dari Irlandia dan beranggotakan 5 orang cowok rupawan. Boyband ini mengawali karirnya dari tahun 1998. Single pertama mereka berjudul “Swear it Again” telah booming di telinga para penggemarnya. Saat itulah Westlife mulai dikenal secara mendunia. Westlife beranggotakan : Shane, Mark, Nicky, Kian, Brian.
Tetapi salah satu personil mereka yakni, Brian Mc.Fadden mengundurkan diri pada tahun 2004, dengan alasan ingin meluangkan waktu untuk keluarganya. Namun tidak lama setelah Brian mengundurkan diri dia bercerai dengan istrinya, Kerry Katona. Meskipun Brian telah keluar dari boyband Westlife tapi dia masih menjalin hubungan dengan personil Westlife lainnya. Lagu Westlife yang paling terkenal dikalangan remaja adalah I have a Dream, My Love, Queen of My Heart, Flying Without Wings dan Uptown Girl. Tidak semua single yang mereka nyanyikan mencapai peringkat pertama di tangga lagu Britania Raya.
Album Westlife menyajikan duet spektakuler yaitu penyanyi solo perempuan terkenal seperti : Mariah Carey, Dianna Rose, Delta Goodrem.
Weslife memenangkan banyak penghargaan yakni, “Record of the year” dengan single mereka “Flying Without Wings”, “My Love”, “Mandy”, “You Raise Me up” dan penggemar bukan hanya remaja saja, melainkan kalangan orang tua hingga anak-anak.
Westlife mempunyai ciri khas tersendiri dalam menghibur para penggemarnya. Gaya menyanyi mereka tidak seperti boyband yang sedang booming era ini yang menonjolkan tarian dan fisik tanpa menonjolkan kualitas suara. Westlife juga hampir tidak pernah menggunakan tarian di video clip maupun konser-konser besar. Itulah yang membuat mereka banyak penggemar.
Backstreet Boys (kadang-kadang disebut sebagai BSB) adalah sebuah kelompok vokal Amerika, terbentuk di Orlando, Florida pada tahun 1993. Band ini awalnya terdiri dari AJ McLean, Howie Dorough, Brian Littrell, Nick Carter dan Kevin Richardson. Mereka menjadi terkenal dengan mereka debut album internasional, Backstreet Boys pada tahun 1996. Pada tahun berikutnya, mereka merilis album kedua internasional mereka, Backstreet’s Back pada tahun 1997 dan album debut mereka di Amerika Serikat yang berlanjut di seluruh dunia keberhasilan kelompok. Mereka naik menjadi bintang terkenal dengan album mereka Milenium pada tahun 1999 dan tindak lanjut album nya, Black & Blue pada tahun 2000. Setelah absen tiga tahun, band ini bergabung kembali dan sejak merilis tiga album: Never Gone pada tahun 2005, Unbreakable 2007 dan This is us pada tahun 2009.
Personil Backstreet Boys yang bernama Kevin Richardson pada tahun 2006 mengundurkan diri dengan alasan mengejar kepentingan lain. Tetapi personil lainnya tetap menjalankan Boyband tanpa Kevin. Backstreet Boys telah terjual lebih dari 130 juta rekaman di seluruh dunia, mereka merupakan Boyband terbaik sepanjang masa .
Backstreet Boys mempunyai ciri khas tersendiri dalam menghibur para penggemarnya. Gaya menyanyi pada personil memiliki pembagian suara. Backstreet Boys juga hampir menggunakan tarian di video clip maupun konser-konser besar. Itulah yang membuat mereka banyak penggemar.
Nah.. kita sudah membahas satu persatu dari dua boyband tersebut. Mereka adalah sedikit dari boyband yang lagi booming.
Jadi menurut kalian mana yang lebih “REAL” Backstreet boys atau Westlife?? Yah menurut saya sih dua-duanya karena mereka adalah dua boyband yang berbeda generasi tapi memiliki banyak prestasi dalam dunia music. Mereka sama-sama memiliki ciri khas yang berbeda-beda dan sama-sama memiliki kualitas suara.

biodata arifin putra

Arifin Putra (lahir 1 Mei 1987; umur 24 tahun) adalah artis muda yang mengawali kariernya bersama Oxygen Entertainment di beberapa sinetron, dan lewat perannya dalam sinetron Senandung masa Puber, namanya kian melambung. Arifin juga turut menjadi finalis MTV VJ Hunt 2003 sesaat dirinya berumur 16 tahun, namun sayang gelar tersebut jatuh pada Daniel Mananta. Setelah itu tawaran pun mulai berdatangan padanya, seperti menjadi model video klip Kisah Kasih di Sekolah yang dinyanyikan oleh Chrisye dan membuat ia ditawari untuk bermain dalam sinetron yang berjudul sama.

Pria berdarah Jerman ini hobi sekali bermain gokart . Dan diawal tahun 2008 ia bermain dalam film Lost in Love yang merupakan sekuel dari film Eiffel I'm in Love. Namun dalam film sebelumnya yang dibintangi oleh Shandy Aulia dan Samuel Rizal, di sekuelnya ini ia berperan bersama Richard Kevin dan Pevita Eileen Pearce.

Kata Mutiara

Besi akan berkarat jika tidak digunakan, air yang menggenang akan kehilangan kemurniaannya dan dalam cuaca dingin akan membeku.
seperti itulah gambaran otak kita, jika tidak digunakan

Leonardo Da Vinci

the secret

Rahasia ini adalah jawaban atas apa yang telah terjadi, yang sekarang terjadi dan yang akan terjadi (RW Emerson)
Apa Yang Telah Terjadi

Kita dapat menyaksikan apa yang telah terjadi dalam hidup kita, yang bila kita renungkan kembali, benar juga, itu adalah akibat atas apa yang kita pikirkan.

Semua yang sudah terjadi adalah akibat dari pikiran kita sebelumnya.

Berpegang pada prinsip The Secret - Law of Attraction, apa-apa yang telah terjadi adalah karena fokus kita.

Bilamana kita berfokus pada hal-hal yang negatif, seperti memikirkan bagaimana susahnya mendapat pacar, susahnya mencari uang, susahnya meniti karir, maka hasil yang didapatkan juga akan menjadikan kita benar-benar susah.

Memang banyak orang yang terus menerus menyesali apa yang sudah terjadi, tetapi bukankah apa yang telah berlalu tidak bisa kita ubah lagi?

Apa Yang Terjadi Sekarang

Saat ini pun, dimana hidup membawa kita, kita ada disini karena cara pikir kita yang sebelumnya.

Sudah cukupkah bukti-bukti dalam diri Anda bahwa apa yang ada dalam diri Anda hari ini adalah apa yang Anda fokuskan sebelumnya.

Bagaimana hari ini terjadi akibat pikiran negatif yang sudah dilontarkan sebelumnya?

Bagaimana hari ini terjadi akibat pikiran positif yang sudah dilontarkan sebelumnya?
Apa Yang Akan Terjadi Di Masa Yang Akan Datang

Dan tentunya, di saat yang akan datang, apa yang akan terjadi, nantinya adalah hasil dari apa yang kita pikirkan sekarang.

Jawaban Atas Semuanya
Mengapa ini disebut sebagai jawaban? (atas apa yang telah terjadi, yang sekarang terjadi dan yang akan terjadi)?

Disebut jawaban, kalau kita pernah bertanya mengapa. Mengapa hal ini bisa dan pernah terjadi, dan mengapa hari ini ada disini.

Mungkin 2 pertanyaan ‘past’ dan ‘present’ akan menyadarkan kita agar lebih mengenal dan mengolah pikiran kita. Pertanyaan ke-3 tentang ‘future’, akan mengakibatkan kita melihat pikiran kita saat ini.

Dijelaskan dalam The Secret - Law of Attraction, vibrasi hanya bereaksi atas apa yang kita pikirkan saat ini, sekarang ini.

Jadi bila kita mulai dari saat ini, tidak ada kata terlambat.

Bila ada pikiran-pikiran negatif sebelum saat ini, belum terlambat bagi kita untuk mulai dengan pikiran positif.

Karena kekuatan pikiran positif adalah ratusan kali kekuatan pikiran negatif.

Apabila Anda mencari jawabannya — apa yang Anda katakan, pikirkan dan lakukan saat ini, akan menjadi jawaban atas pertanyaan kemana arah hidup Anda.

Pertanyaannya, kemanakah arah hidup Anda?

bayang mu

Tentang ex-

Terasa semakin dekat dengan diriku
Ku tak dapat tampak tanpa kau lebih dulu menghilang
Selalu menghantui
Setiap langkah yang kulalui
Ku tak dapat berbelok arah jika tak kau tunjukkan arah
Membelengguku hingga merasuk dalam sukma jiwaku
Ku tak dapat cemerlang jika kau tak ku lepaskan
Entah sampai kapan!

Keluh kesah pesakitan cinta

Dear God,
Dia datang… ya dia datang lagi. Aku melihatnya lebih sendu dari kemarin. Aku merasakan sesuatu saat aku menatap matanya. Kenapa perasaan ini semakin rentan?
Aku ingin selalu bertemu dia lagi, banyak yang ingin aku tanyakan, dan sepertinya aku pun harus bercerita banyak padanya. Aku merasa aku sudah lama mengenal dia, tapi di mana?

Dear God,
Ada sesuatu antara aku dan dia yang belum bisa aku tebak. Rasanya aku ingin sekali menghukum perasaanku yang tidak benar ini. Aku berada di antara perbatasan,aku tidak ingin tersesat TUhan…. Aku ingin tertidur di atas perapian hingga terbakar hangus tanpa jejak.

Dear God,
Aku tidak mau menghindari kenyataan ini tapi aku ingin menyalakan lilin di koridor hatiku yang sangat gelap. Aku harus menemukan jalan keluar, aku harus keluar dari sini Tuhan..

malam itu

Malam ini aku masih mencintaimu.. Merinduimu dengan segala luka yang ku punya. Berharap kau baik – baik saja disana. Raih semua impianmu saying.. Dan kita akn baik-baik saja saat hari berlalu dengan bergandengan tangan. Tuhan bersamamu sayang...
Kemarin adalah kenangan, sekarang adalah kennyataaan dan besok adalah impian. Semoga kita bisa menghadapi kennyataan yang ada dan menatap masa depan dengan bercermin pada pengalaman.
Betapa dan bagaimana ini..
Kenapa dulu kau begitu mencintaiku...

Manis dan perih

Aku lakukan semua titik rawan dan kedamaian.
Hanya sekedar menjelaskan.
Aku berlebih mencintaimu.

Dalam pedih dan perih.
Sisa sia.Sia sisa.Saja..
Apa yang sia-sia hari ini?
Adalah kefanaan yangmelingkupi
Adalah udara dan nafas yang kuhela
Adalah adanya diriku dengan kegelisahan yang meraja
Malam bertanya pagi suatu kali..
Siapakah yang tertera di balik pintu hati
Pagi berlaridi antara semi, di balik lalang, duri dan tarian hati.
Jawabnya cinta yang abadi
Di wajahmu berkata benci
Di nafasmu aroma dupa mengangkasa
Ada cinta yang terlupa
Kurasa aku benci kau, adinda..

Tentang kerumitan diri

Tentang kerumitan diri

Aku tidak ingin kamu menyakiti diri kamu sendiri, apalagi bunuh diri. Bahkan mendengarmu membenturkan kepala membuatku ngilu.
Tapi kalau memang itu yang kamu ingin atau bahkan perlu kamu lakukan, tak seorangpun berhak menghalangi. Tak ada yang berhak dan tak ada yang bisa menghalangi.
Aku hanya berharap bahwa kamu masih bingung, masih takut dan belum terlanjur melakukannya.
Kamu tidak rumit, key
Kamu hanya tidak mencintai diri kamu sendiri.
Dan hanya kamu sendiri yang bisa mengubah itu, seperti juga hanya kamu yang bisa mengakhiri segalanya.

Karena aku tahu
Tak mungkin mencegah orang lain
Menyakiti hatiku
Aku mencegah hatiku
Dari merasakan sakit
Hatiku dari merasakan
Apa yang sedang kurasakan saat ini

Tentang tidak cukup kuat

Maafkan aku karena ternyata aku tidak cukup kuat untuk mencintaimu. Walaupun aku berusaha sekuat tenaga dan mengerahkan segala asa yang kupunya, aku tetap tidak bisa.
Karena mencintai dan dicintai menjadikanku pucat tanpa darah. Tanpa dirimu kurasakan mati. Tapi tetap saja aku tidak cukup kuat untuk mencintaimu tulus tanpa pembalasan, Ku menuntut kau melakukan hal yang sama. Maafkan aku…
Sekali lagi maaf sayang.. Aku tidak bisa terus disini, mencintaimu .. Entah mengapa..

Tentang perih

Dalam hidup kita kadang tidak tahu apa yang sebenarnya kita inginkan hingga akhirnya benar – benar kehilangan hal yang berharga itu..
Dalam hidupku, aku kadang- kadang menafikan alam bawah sadar ku bahwa sebenarnya kau tampak jahat..
Dari lubang terkecil pun, aku bisa tahu kau palsu..
Semua tentang dirimu pasti akan menimbulkan luka..
Tapi kenapa aku kemudian melupakn semua itu adalah karena aku begitu sayang padamu, kekasih..
Sayangku ini membutakan dan melumatkan logika
Hanya menyisakan euphoria sesaat dimana perih akhirnya meraja
Kamu selingkuh sayang..
Dan aku terluka karenanya..
Maaf aku meluapkan amarah dengan semena – mena
Bukan ingin ku untuk cemburu dan gelap mata
Hanya hati ini terlalu sakit untuk mereparasi dirinya sendiri

Sejauh ini aku masih belajar melupakan semua
Hanya ingin mengikuti tauladan yang pernah diajarkan Jesus saat di kayu salib, tentang memaafkan dan mendoakan orang – orang yang menyakiti kita

Hidup memang tentang meninggal dan ditinggalkan
Hidup juga tentang bahagia dan membahagiakan orang lain

Disini kulihat perihku dan cintaku padamu…


Disclaimer : I do not own Mai HiME. I also do not own the song Gomenasai.

Song : Gomenasai by t.A.T.u.

“talking” song


What I thought wasn’t mine

In the light

Was one of a kind

A precious pearl

What had started out as a simple conversation ended up turning into a fight.

Chie walked awayfrom Aoi. She knew that was something that she should not have done, but it had seemed right at the time. Chie stopped and turned around to apologize only to see the other girl walking away. “I guess I really screwed this one up.” Chie whispered as she turned around and walked away.

Aoi didn’t understand why Chie had to say that. They had seemed happy together. She wanted to apologize, even though she had done nothing wrong. Aoi figured that she should leave the other girl alone for a little while and then try to talk to her. All Aoi hoped was that they could resolve this issue and go back to the way things were.

It seemed like hours before Aoi managed to make it back to her dorm room. She was glad to see that her roommate wasn’t there. Right now, Aoi wasn’t in the mood for Nao’s attitude. She shut the door and then collapsed on the couch that was in their room.

“Why does Chie have to be like that?” Aoi started to cry. “Doesn’t she understand that I love her and only her? I never thought the school’s gossip queen would ever believe a rumor about her girlfriend.”

Aoi threw the pillow across the room. “Why did she have to bring that up?!”

She wanted to throw another pillow since it felt good to let some of her anger go, but she was interrupted by a knock on the door. Aoi got up and went to the door. She opened it only to see Chie. “What are you doing here? I think you have made yourself clear.”

“I came to see if our relationship is going to work.” Chie could tell that Aoi was still upset with her, but Chie couldn’t wait anymore to talk to her. “Can I come in? Or are we going to discuss this with the entire dormitory?”

Aoi moved out of the way and said, “Come on in.” She didn’t want everyone to know what was going on with them.

“Is it true? Are you really dating Nao?”

“No, I’m not!” Aoi was upset. “I can’t believe you have to ask me that. Nao is my best friend in the entire world. I would never date someone who I think of as my little sister!”

Chie knew better then to believe the rumors that she passed on to the entire student body, but for some reason this one made her think that something was going on. “I’m sorry, but I don’t believe you. You spend more time with her then you do me!”

“That is just being selfish!”

“No, its not!”

Aoi blinked back tears. “If that is the way you feel, then we should probably start seeing other people. I can’t be with someone who doesn’t believe me.”

Chie glared at her. “That is just what I was getting ready to tell you.”

“Get out!” Aoi barked. She didn’t want to be anywhere near her. “Oh and as for our friendshi-“

“It’s over too!” Chie exclaimed before she left Aoi’s apartment.

The minute that she left Aoi’s dorm room, Chie started to cry. She didn’t understand why she was crying. She very rarely ever cried. It just wasn’t Chie’s style.

Chie wiped her eyes as she left the dormitory. Right now, she just wanted to be alone to think. She had to figure out a way to apologize to Aoi. When Chie got to the flower garden, she walked up to the terrace and sat on the steps.

“Why? Why did she break up with me? Why would I believe that rumor? Why couldn’t I just pass it off like all the others?!” Chie yelled. “When did I turn into the jealous type?”

Finally, Chie couldn’t hold it back any longer and she started to cry. It felt good to let everything out. She wondered if Aoi was just as upset as she was. Chie hoped that she was. The reason being was that Chie never had any intention of breaking up with Aoi. All she wanted was an explanation, which was something that she wouldn’t be getting.

After sitting there for a hour, Chie decided that she should go back to her room and try to work on her homework. She stood up and walked back to her room. She didn’t know what she was going to do because she couldn’t stop thinking about what had happened.

Chie didn’t realize that she had walked to the dormitory. She also didn’t realize that she her name had been said. When she did realize it, she looked up and saw Aoi.

“What do you want?!” Chie couldn’t help but pretend to be angry. She wasn’t sure what exactly Aoi was doing here.

“Mai said that we should talk this out.” Aoi really wanted to work everything out with Chie, but she couldn’t bring herself to say that it was her and not Mai.

“Unless you want things to be the way they were, you need to be ready to talk about it.” Chie said as she walked past her ex-girlfriend. “Until then, don’t think about talking to me.”

Aoi watched Chie go. “Why did you think that I was dating Nao? You should have known that wasn’t true.”

Chie sighed as she came to a stop. “I told you why.”

“It doesn’t make sense though.” Aoi slowly walked over to Chie. “You knew why I had to spend so much time with her.”

“You broke up with me. So why do you even need an explanation?” When Chie started to walk away, she felt Aoi grab her hand. “Let go.”

“No!” Aoi took a deep breath and said, “It was me who wanted to talk things out. I’m sorry that I broke up with you, but I was so upset.”

Chie turned around and said, “So are you going to apologize to me?”

“Why should I do that?”

“Because then I will too.”

Aoi smiled. “So does this mean that we are back together?”

Chie shook her head. “No, not yet.”

“Oh,” Aoi was hoping that Chie wasn’t mad at her still, “ok.”

Chie brushed a loose strand of hair behind Aoi’s ear. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry for thinking that you were dating her. I’m sorry for everything that I said. I know that this is a hard time for Nao and you are just doing what you can.”

“Of course I am.” Aoi sighed as she remembered their earlier conversation about her roommate. “Losing someone that important to her is going to be hard and I need to be there for her. Right now I’m the only family that she has.”

Chie hugged Aoi. “You’re doing a good job. Nao is a hard one to handle, but then again she does know what she is doing. I just wish that we knew what we were doing.”

“I don’t want to be apart anymore. I want to get back together.” Aoi let go of Chie and said, “I’m sorry for everything that I said too. You just have to promise me that you won’t believe anymore of those rumors.”


Before Chie could say anything else, she felt Aoi’s lips on hers. What was suppose to be a quick kiss turned out to be a passionate one. When the need for air came, they both pulled apart for a few moments.

“So do you think our little fight was all Nao’s fault?” Chie asked as she pulled Aoi close to her. She didn’t care what the other girls in the dormitory thought about them.


“Because I think the rumor was started by Nao. How else would Mikoto know anything like that?”

“You believed Mikoto?!” Aoi was shocked. “I can’t believe that. I mean why would you?”

“She was really convincing.”

“Then, yes, I do think that this was all Nao’s fault.” Aoi wrapped her arms around Chie’s waist as she laid her head on her girlfriend’s shoulder. “I’ll talk to her about it later.”


They didn’t know how long they had been standing there or that they had attracted a little crowd, but all they knew was that the fight was over and they were happy again, which was all that mattered to them.

I’m curious to know what people thought about this chapter. Let me know either way. I hope everyone liked it! Bye!


Happy Valentine’s Day ashke! This is for you… For no one else’s sake would I attempt writing romance and comedy.

The inspiration for this came from the Gundam Wing fic ‘101 ways to snog en route to a colony’. From what I understand, snog is the British slang for kissing. Basically, each chapter will be about a kiss between two characters, with each pairing having no more than two chapters to itself. The title’s a misnomer actually, any pairing can and will be written whether one or both of them is a HiME or not.

Some will be serious, some will be silly. Some will take place during the series, some will take place after. Some will remain in character, while in others I’ll have to stretch the characters every which way. This is more of a challenge to my creativity, to see if I can get different characters to have some sort of chemistry together.

There are about twenty eight significant speaking characters in Mai HiME and that makes for more than two hundred possible pairings so I think writing fifty isn’t that unrealistic. For my sanity’s sake, I’ll try to keep each chapter from 500-1,000 words.

I’m open to suggestions of pairings (aside from the usual ones) but I can’t really promise anything definite. I’m also not sticking to an update schedule because I want to finish my other projects first.
Snog I: Shizuru and Natsuki

She looks so vulnerable asleep, with all her defenses down. I like watching her when she’s asleep, because then I don’t have to pretend. I can dream my forbidden dreams, I can wonder what it would be like to reveal my feelings for her.

It’s useless to stop thinking about it. I’ve stopped trying long ago. Thinking of her as merely a younger sister doesn’t work. Thinking she should be with someone normal, someone who isn’t as perverted as I am, that doesn’t work. If anything, thinking about her with someone like Takeda only sucks me into a dark spiral of jealousy.

A small sigh escapes from me, to be lost in the gentle wind tugging at my kimono sleeve. I want to hold her, I want to feel her in my arms. I want to spend my life with her, with the wonderful person beneath her aloof exterior.

She pretends to be strong, tries to keep everyone at a distance. But somehow, after much patience, I’ve been allowed through part of her barriers. I can see her relax imperceptibly when she’s with me, trusting me with herself. She probably doesn’t even notice when she does it. I feel honored by her trust. And I feel shamed that I violate it so.

Natsuki, please don’t wake up. Please don’t ever let this end. I could be content watching you like this forever. I would be happy, to simply stay in this house with you and forget the rest of the world. Just you, just to be with you, to watch you sleeping.

Please don’t wake up. I know that when you do, the world will start turning again and both our masks will return. I hide too, you know. Behind a dance of politeness and teasing, of president and friend.

I’d laugh if it wasn’t so painful. Friends falling in love. It’s one of the oldest plots around. Someone up there must have been bored with the same old story though, and introduced the Festival to make things more interesting.

That’s why I know you will wake up, no matter how much I wish otherwise. Because I know we’re doomed to play out our parts, until there’s only one HiME left standing. It’s too late now to change our course, too late to make any difference. Perhaps someday, if we survive the Festival, I might dare to do something more. But for now, I’ll let the world continue on its path, I’ll let myself be whoever you need me to be.

That brings a tiny smile to my face. You’ll always be my Natsuki and I’ll always be yours, even if you don’t know it. You’re so blind sometimes, Natsuki. My eyes soften as I kneel beside you, pushing the food tray I brought aside. You’re so blind to other people’s emotions, so intent on your own mission. And all I can do is watch, watch and wait in the shadows.

The darkness is where forsaken people like me belong. Demons with their unnatural desires. I just want to make her smile, why is that so wrong? Why can’t I stop, stop defiling her with my unclean thoughts? Why is this love so wrong…?

My soul will be damned, I can already feel the flames licking at my feet. Damned because of love, but embracing the darkness with whole hearted glee to protect that love.

That love... My hand reaches up, I imagine I can caress her sleeping face, I imagine she’ll wake up and be happy to see me. A demon deserves nothing, should expect nothing. But once, just once, I want to know what it’s like.

I want to know what it’s like to have her accept me as I am, I want to know what it’s like to greet each morning with her beside me. Just for one second, I want to pretend my sleeping beauty will return my affections in the way I wish her to. Just for one second, please let me know what heaven is like. Then I’ll be content with my lot, content with watching her from afar. A demon would happily roast an eternity for a glimpse of heaven.

I edge closer until I’m almost, but not quite, touching her. She doesn’t even stir at my motion. Now I can hear my heart beating loudly in my ears, trying to burst out of my body and jump towards the young woman who’s captured it so completely. I can feel the warmth of her face, inches below mine.

The world will keep turning, no matter how much I delude myself that I can make it stop. The princess will wake up from her enchanted sleep, but not through the kiss of a prince. Battles will be fought, won, and lost. But for once, just once…

I can feel my cheeks burning, I can feel myself teetering at the edge of fear. Then I close my eyes… and break the spell.

The briefest brush of my lips against hers. Soft, so soft.



It was a game to him, an easy game to play. Killpoint 00.1 Startpoint

The prison was located far to the north, away from the general populous of the country it was situated within. This prison was used as a place to store only the most dire, the most heinous of criminals; no one ever came out alive.

And yet, inside the walls of the snow-capped fortress, it was very easy to get word out to the people outside the prison. The guards were not above persuasion, for they basked in the idea that no one had ever managed a successful escape from within the walls. It was a foolish hope to cling to, as walls like that were just waiting to be breached.

Nagi Dai Artai was a shrewd man. He was young, and was the first to admit the fact, and many people oftentimes would underestimate him because of this. He'd grown used to it, and had developed his own system of subtle control over his surroundings that required careful planning and manipulation. He had grown up accustomed to the fact that he was in control of everything he touched and an easy ten steps ahead of his political opponents.

Nagi Dai Artai had never thirsted for power the way that he thirsted for the control over the small country of Windbloom, many miles to the south of his own kingdom. It was not a logical move for him to want to control that country in the first place, as it had next to no resources and it's only claim to fame was that damnable school that produced Otome. Nagi hated the Otome, for they had always found a way to meddle with his plans in the most obnoxious of ways.

There was, however, something else about Windbloom that Nagi desperately needed to have. He had caught a glimpse of it quite by accident as a small child and had suddenly discovered that a newcomer to the Otome School, Gaulderobe, had the ability to turn it on.

In ancient history, the Harmonium had been part of what had helped Fumi Himeno to put a stop to the Twelve Kingdoms War and finally bring peace to Earl. Nagi had always been curious about that power, of what kind of person would be required to control it - and he had decided that he woudl find the damnable machine.

He'd found it, quite by mistake, some years later when it was all but out of his reach. Mashiro Blan de Windbloom would no sooner let the ruler of Altai into her private bathroom than let him near the Harmonium, as she was not a fool either.

And yet he had to have it. He had to know what the power was behind the Harmonium, the terrible device that reacted only to a virgin's most impure throughts. Nagi wanted to know how to control it, to use it to his own will.

That was when he discovered the secret of the Otome. While in a Master-Otome connection with Nina Wang, the one person who'd been able to turn on the Harmonium, Nagi had felt the power of the device, had felt it move through his body.

He'd been drunk on the power.

Now, after nearly a year of sitting around and waiting, Nagi was ready to make his move. He'd played the good prisoner for long enough and he still had enough loyality within his home country to stir up the ferver he knew he had to. The Harmonium had demonstrated what Nagi needed to do - to gather the souls, to start the battle anew.

He'd sensed a spike in the power, and the blue star next to the moon had burned red in his vision. He knew they'd come close.

But now, now the war needed to happen. The three hundred years had passed.

It was the jester's duty to start the battle anew.


Executive Office, Aries National Government Offices, AriesRepublic
December 15th, 21:49

The President of the Republic of Aries, Yukino Chrysant, was in a poor mood. The end of her first six-year term as president was drawing ever closer and unless she wanted to lose the position to someone new and fresh-faced, she would have to start campaigning soon. The problem was, however, that Yukino’s last election had happened on a whim. It was perhaps one of the greatest upsets in Aries history and everyone had to admit that they were pleased with the outcome. Even now, she knew that it would be a mistake to allow Haruka to do all the ads, but at the same time, Haruka's popularity was rival to her approval ratings, well in the seventies, among the people of her nation. Yukino would be a fool not to take advantage of it, even to some extent.

Her public approval rating, Yukino was forced to lament, had fallen in the past few weeks because of her decision to stand behind the SOLF Treaty. SOLF stood for Standard-Setting Otome Limitation Force Treaty, and it had been proposed by Gaulderobe to the world stage as a way of preventing another incident like what had happened in Windbloom almost a year ago. Otome should not be bound to masters for the express purpose of both parties gaining power. The Master-Otome bond was a strict one that was for protection only. Yukino understood that, and understood what could come of a functioning bond.

The people of Aries were not keen on the idea that many Otome would be forced into retirement after a set period of tenure to a master - or that there now had to be even more checks on the power of Otome than ever before. There had to be, after one misled Otome had very nearly destroyed all of Windbloom. They were just too powerful, too strong a concentrated force.

Yukino had to admit that her public approval had fallen because she had made the decision to back Gaulderobe's decision of limiting the Otome's terms of service. Many within her country saw the Otome as heroes and heroes only - there was very little knowledge of what being an Otome really entailed. Yukino would not wish Haruka's life on anyone.

Haruka never spoke of it, but Yukino knew the younger woman well enough to recognize the signs of the subtle stress and pressure that was placed upon her Otome. Haruka was a public figure, and a powerful ally to have; but Yukino saw what being that person did to her.

The hour was growing late and Yukino's appearance was becoming more and more disheveled as the evening drew on. She was used to the late hours, working long into the night only to rise for a nine o'clock community breakfast in the morning. It was the one aspect of the Aries national government that Yukino could say she truly adored, those early morning breakfasts. Everyone, from the president to the lowliest intern in the press office would gather together and eat a light meal before starting on a day that would most likely not end until twelve or more hours later.

Yukino wearily signed another document, not really bothering to look at what it was that she was signing, and decided that enough was enough. The pile would not get any smaller overnight, but it was better for the people of Aries when their President really did know what it was that she was signing. Yukino pulled off her glasses and rested her head in her hands, groaning slightly. She did not want to discuss campaign strategies with Haruka for the next hour or so before they both retired.

She just wanted sleep.

"Yukino?" Haruka called from outside the door. She'd been a meeting with the joint heads of the Aries Army, Navy and Air Force, Yukino recalled; and was most likely in a rather subdued mood because of it. That would be nice; maybe Yukino could wheedle out of interaction and go straight on to the better parts of their evening all together.

Even if Haruka Armitage was the figure head of the Aries military, she was by no means the head and it was meetings like that that Yukino used, sometimes, to remind Haruka of just that fact. Haruka was so gung-ho about jumping into situations before she had a full grasp on the situation that sometimes, and it had caused quite a bit of trouble in the past. Yukino, however, was willing to look beyond that, where the joint chiefs of staff of the military were not.

It was humanizing, and something everyone needed.

"Yes?" Yukino called, not lifting her head from her hands. She was exhausted, having had several long conference calls and a great deal of problems with a bridge that was being constructed in the Borderlands.

"I'm going to run a bath, give me five minutes, alright?" Yukino loved her, really she did, but it was the brisk attitude and the no-questions-asked that sometimes made Yukino want to scream. Haruka was far more likely, at times, to simply ignore Yukino and follow the orders of her body that Yukino herself was not aware of.

Like drawing a bath. Yukino was quite sure that she had not been thinking of anything of the sort, but she had to admit that the idea sounded quite inviting - now that Haruka mentioned it. This had been another reason for Gaulderobe to want to limit the duration of an Otome-Master bond. If a pair were bonded for too long, there was a reported almost psychic connection that appeared between the Master and the Otome.

The rain rattled against the windows outside, for it rarely snowed in the capital city – and Yukino looked out the window once again, thinking, perhaps desperately, to when she could safely say that she was on vacation and did not have to deal with all the problems of Aries.

Yukino sighed and reached out to put her glasses back on. She was tired, almost ridiculously so. Blinking to adjust her vision after having the constant pressure of her fingers on her eyes, she rose and straightened the already neat piles of paper on her desk. Haruka was right, as usual, as always.

She slipped out the back door to the office and down the private wing to her residence. It was warmer here; the winter's chill did not cut through these walls as easily as it did the outer areas of the Executive Wing of the capital building. She followed the sound of running water and soon stepped into the bathroom just off her own bedroom.

"Haruka?" She called into the steam. She bent down and began to pull off her shoes. It was odd that Haruka would not play the role of ‘proper’ Otome in a situation like this, but Yukino was grateful for it. If she had one more person fussing over her today, she was quite sure she’d do something she’d later come to regret.

"Mmm?" Came Haruka's response. Yukino was shedding her clothes rather quickly, wanting to be free of the damp chill that permeated the rest of the capital building. She really should mention the cold to someone, for she was sure she was not the only one who spent all day wishing it were reasonable to wear pants to work.

"How did you know I wanted a bath?" She was trying to be coy - but she'd always lacked the real tact to pull it off. She stepped into the steam to join Haruka in the bath. They sat facing each other, Yukino's glasses fogging up and Haruka looking pensive.

"I don't know." Haruka settled on at last, and Yukino smiled. "I just sort of did, though."

Yukino said nothing for a long moment, lost in thought. She wanted to tell Haruka all her fears, to confess that she knew her re-election was assured - but that she wasn't sure she wanted it. If Yukino were to step down, she'd lose Haruka, to have the Otome bonded to her successor. Yukino did not think that Haruka would go quietly, and the subsequent screaming matches would the rather epic.

Yukino did not think that she could take that. "How did the meeting go?" She asked at length, straying away from heavy topics that were far more likely to hurt than heal.

Haruka shrugged, "It was really too cold in that damn room for me to contemplate -"

"Concentrate, Haruka." Yukino said automatically.

"-yes yes, on what they were saying. Otome uniforms are warm, yes, but not when it's this cold out." Haruka folded her arms across her chest and huffed. "They did mention something about a prison break-out up in Artai, however."

Yukino's interest perked, "Really?" She could think of several people locked away in prison in Artai that she would not want to see released any time in the near future. She hoped - prayed really, that the people who had escaped were in no way connected with Nagi Dai Altai.

"There aren't a lot of details yet, we'll know more in the morning." Haruka explained, "It'll come in with the morning press bulletin, most like."

"Mmmm," They were an odd pair, Yukino was the first to admit that, but their personalities complimented each other so nicely that it was nigh impossible to tell where one began and the other ended.


Lecture Hall D, Crynis Building Windbloom Public University, Windbloom
December 16th, 10:37

Juliet Nao Zhang was trying to be inconspicuous, and failing rather miserably. Again she cursed Kruger, Viola, and all the other people who'd been present in the room when Kruger had handed down her decision that Nao was to attend public university until such a time that the new SOLF Treaty was fully activated. The damned document put a limit on what age an Otome had to be to be bonded to a Master, or, in the case of Nao, bonded to the school.

She had to be twenty to take the post and she was still only eighteen.

Ever since its inception, Gaulderobe had had a fund dedicated to furthering the education of the Otome who chose to remain behind in its service. Nao was not the first to be receiving more schooling on top of the first-rate education that Gaulderobe had already provided her. It was strange, however, to act like a civilian when Nao had been raised to be a soldier.

Kruger had informed Nao that it was an option presented to all of the Columns of Gaulderobe when they were first chosen; and many of them took advantage of the time to see the world or to further themselves through schooling. Viola had two degrees that she’d gotten in the time while waiting for Kruger to finish up her schooling and then receive the training needed to become the head of the school.

Nao had chosen to stay in Windbloom, as Kruger was bound to need her sooner or later for one mission or another - and had been enrolled, free of charge, to the university that Windbloom prided itself in. It was amazing to see the power of the Gakuenchou of Gaulderobe in action. The position was like being the head of a country, and a powerful one at that. There was a reason, Nao assumed, that a complete idiot like Kruger had been chosen for the job.

Absolute power corrupts absolutely.

She liked it there, but it was so jarring to be among these students who knew nothing of the real world. They still talked about the invasion of Windbloom as though it had been the next Twelve Kingdoms War. In a sense, it rather was, but the awe that they used when speaking about the conflict sickened Nao. It was as if they did not fully understand the fantastic loss of life that that conflict had caused.

Nor, did Nao think, they ever would.

She was sitting in the back of her Modern Statistics class, waiting for the professor to arrive. Nao had chosen to follow her love of numbers in school because she knew that once she retired or accidentally lost her ability to be an Otome, she would need a career that she could do until she died.

Numbers, it seemed, would be just the thing.

She tiredly watched as a number of the more rowdy boys filed into the seats in front of her and checked once again to make sure that the GEM in her ear was covered by a lock of hair. The last thing Nao needed right now was for anyone to discover that she was an Otome.

She resented the way that her history classes talked about the Otome, like they were not people, but rather tools to be used to an end. They had no idea what it was like living with the prospect of fighting a battle that could very easily kill both you and your master; if you took even so much as the wrong step. She'd brought this up in class, but the Professors were as oblivious as the students when it came to what an Otome really was.

She’d received a stern talking to after that, telling her that it was not her place to assume such things about the ‘national heroes.’ Nao had resisted asking her professor where he’d been during the Battle for Windbloom. She’d been on the front line, but she was willing to bet that he’d been one of the first out of the city when Nagi had opened the borders briefly to let in supplies and refugees out.

Nao leaned back in her chair, tipping it up against the wall as she remembered the day that Kruger had finally given her Meister GEM. They'd been about to die, heading into a rash attempt at feeing a country from the hands of a maniacal little boy.

Kruger knew what too long in Artai could do to a person, and Nao was glad that she'd gotten out when she had.

"Oi, Zhang!" One of the boys sitting below her called, "Did you see the news? Nagi Dai Altai escaped from prison!"

Nao felt her blood run cold as she tipped her chair forward and asked in the most bored sounding voice she could, "Oh, and what makes you so sure it was him?"

No doubt Nagi had made a public address to the Artai government by now, reinstating his control over them. Nao frowned. She hated politics.

The boys chattered some more, before one of them said, "He's starting to stir up anti-Gaulderobe sentiment. Apparently there have been some riots already in the cities there.

No one in Artai had Otome any more, not since Gaulderobe and the League of Nations had cut them off from that resource. The option was still open to anyone not directly related to Nagi Dai Altai, but so far no one had taken Gaulderobe up on the offer.

"Let them riot." Nao said, wondering how long it would be until she would have to go on active assignment.

"You're weird, Zhang. Gaulderobe won't just stand by as you do - they'll fight back."

Yes, they'd fight back, when Kruger and the rest of the Columns managed to put together a contingency plan and generally make sure that no one would die.

"I'm sure that the Gakuenchou and the rest of the Otome are more than equipped to take on such a threat." Nao said smoothly. And to tell the truth, she hoped they were.



Lightning or thunder is stepping electricity from one cloud to another cloud. Stepping electrically charged millions of volts that rub against each other with air to create sparks. This is called lightning. Friction was so great. It cut, hit, and punched the air around. This banging so hard that the thundering noise. Well, this is called a thunder or lightning.
Lightning is always looking ahead, because the speed of light faster than the speed of sound! Try to compare, in a second light can circumnavigate the globe 7 times, while the sound travel only 330 meters. Grace period between the invisibility of lightning with thunder in the distance depends also the lightning. If the thunders very close, the sound will be heard almost at the same time by lightning. If lightning far, no new sounds sound thundered a few moments later.
In the thunder, it holds electricity about 10.000.000 kilowatts. It like as 20 kilotons of nuclear bomb. It could destroy many trees by using the electricity power. It could see like cut the air that surrounds it. It like a strong flash in the sky.
Lightning and thunder was also help to reduced global warming, but could be a sound polluted. People must beware with lightning and thunder that could make a permanent deafness, and death. Protect yourself such as don’t stand under a big tree or stand in the field when thunder was roared. If you use shoes or sandals, it might be a protection from electricity. If you’re in the field and couldn’t run, prone at the field immediately. It’ll protect you from electricity that hit you.
Now, you must beware with the lightning or thunder that could kill you. This will protect you from a danger and damage that could you got in a thunder. Always ready with thunder or lightning. Those will safe your life.

living 4 ever in u

Natsuki Kuga stood in Director Fumi’s office awaiting her diploma. She had decided to take as many course as possible during the summer after Shizuru’s graduation. Natsuki worked so hard she actually graduated during that very same summer and would not be returning to Fuka Gakuen. Director Fumi grabbed the diploma and a package with Natsuki’s name on it. She handed them to Natsuki and urged her to open the package at her apartment. Natsuki stubbornly sat in the garden where she met Shizuru for the first time. She opened the package and read the letter that was from her mother.


Natsuki sighed and got up and went to her bike. Today she’d leave Fuka for good. She had already rented an apartment in Kyoto and got transferred from her mechanics job to the shop there. Natsuki looked at the sky and wondered if anything would really work out as she planned.

The wind blew around her body as she drove her motorcycle recklessly down the road. She would find Shizuru no matter what. She had not spent a moment since the end of Carnival thinking about the red eyed girl. Her heart longed for the company of another and only Shizuru’s company could fill that void. After the drive Natsuki went directly to new apartment and started unpacking thinking about what Director Fumi had told her.

“Natsuki, I must warn you if you choose to stay in Fuka, the First District will be after you to get Shizuru.”

“What? I thought they died?”

“No. When all the Himes were reborn towards the end of the Carnival, any sin committed was undone. However the actions themselves were still remembered and I more than certain the First District holds a secret grudge against you and Ms. Fujino. Also I should warn you. The First District has managed to keep certain things about your past concealed from you. They may try and use these things against you. So Natsuki, tell me, are you going to stay here in Fuka?”

“No, I have already moved everything of mine to Kyoto. I’ve said my goodbyes. Thank You Director Fumi.”

Natsuki looked to her window and stomach growl. She sighed and got up. She had thought of almost everything else, but getting food. She didn’t want to drain her account of money just yet. She was truly without anything in and alone in a city where she knew no one except on person who didn’t even know she was there. Natsuki walked outside and decide to just walk to the nearest noodle shop. Her stomach growled very loudly as pasted through a large crowd making the occasional person laugh. Natsuki was embarrassed as it was. As she cleared the second block she saw the noodle shop, and also Shizuru walking out of a restaurant not too far from it. Natsuki freaked out and ducked into the shadows. Shizuru was with a tall woman who looked a lot like that American actress Jennifer Connelly, but a tad bit more exotic. Natsuki heart hurt seeing Shizuru with someone else, but she thought to herself I deserve this after all I couldn’t come clean with my feelings. However Shizuru wasn’t smiling and then a man came out behind Shizuru resting his hand on her shoulders. Natsuki guessed that this must be Shizuru’s father. The woman bowed in respect to the man and shook Shizuru’s hand. Natsuki sighed when she saw that the man left with the woman leaving Shizuru by herself.

“Think Natsuki…think”

Natsuki pulled out her cell phone. She had thought a million times before I should call and today she would. She watched as she dialed Shizuru number and saw Shizuru reach into purse and pull the phone out. Natsuki saw Shizuru’s expression go from her blank emotionless expression to sorrowful one. Why? Why aren’t you happy that I’m calling? Come on, answer it Shizuru I want to hear your voice. The phone picked up.

“Natsuki, I’m sorry I never called to tell you about me leaving.”

Natsuki stayed silent for awhile as Shizuru voice lingered against her ears. It washed over her being until her stomach furiously growled.

“Natsuki are you okay? Natsuki…”

“I’m fine. Just really hungry. I didn’t know you had left Fuka.” Natsuki lied.

“Oh, you didn’t notice.”

“It’s not that. I took two times the summer course load at Fuka Gakuen.”

“Is that so. Speaking of which aren’t you happy that the new semester starts next week. I’m sure you’ll be happy to be with Mai again.”

“I graduated…”


“I graduated today. I had a personal meeting with Director Fumi this morning and washed my hands clean of Fuka.”

“Washed your hands clean of Fuka?”

“Sorry for being so vague. I moved away from Fuka. Too many bad memories.”

Natsuki watched Shizuru stare up into the sky with a pained look on her face. Damn it she interpreted that wrong.

“I see. You know you should come and visit me. We could share a room.”

“Are you daft!” Natsuki blushed and watched a smile grow on Shizuru’s face.

“Ara, Natsuki must be blushing right now.” Shizuru paused and looked at her watch. “I have to go Natsuki. I have my traditional arts class and then I have to go to school at the university.”

“Okay, goodbye Shizuru. I will definitely think about visiting as soon as I can.”

They hung up with each other and Natsuki quickly darted across the street into the noodle shop. Shizuru looked to her left and saw what appeared to be beautiful blue hair trailing into a shop and instantly thought of Natsuki. She wanted to check it out, but she was running late. The two girls were moments away from each other and eagerly awaiting each others company.
Mini Feed

Natsuki: What is this bullshit Kara??? Why are we here now?

Kara: Uh, I don't want to see bad things happen to you???

-Natsuki grabs Kara by the collar and hold a fist up-

Kara: I'll never tell!! - in a singsong voice-
Yes it is bad when the Mini Feed finds it's way into my other stories!!! So what do you think of the alternate Living Forever In You (AU).


Natsuki picked up her phone to dial Shizuru’s number. It was their first day for freshman year at the high school, and Natsuki needed a ride.

A few streets away in a big house, a certain chestnut haired girl was putting on her shirt. Half-way through with one of arms snaking up to go through one of the holes, her phone rung.

Shizuru looked towards the phone and smiled. Natsuki didn’t like it, but Shizuru put ‘Girlfriend’ by Avril Lavinge for her ringtone.

‘Hey hey, you you, I don’t like your Girlfirend…’

Okay, Natsuki didn’t just NOT like it, she hated it and threatened to kill Shizuru for putting it there. But she didn’t because they were best friends, the best that they could be.

‘No way, no way, I think you need a new one…’

Shizuru finished putting on her shirt before walking to her dresser where her cell phone laid. Still smirking, she answered her phone. “Good morning baby.”

“What the fuck…? Shizuru! Don’t call me that!”

Shizuru let out a sly smile, she knew with out a doubt by the tone of Natsuki’s voice that she was blushing.

“Ara, Natsuki…we both know that you sleep like a baby, and you most likely just woke up, so that means you are still in baby-mode. Kawaii…”

“U-ususei Shizuru!!! Mou…I’m trying to ask for your help but you just tease me…”

“Ah…Gomen Natsuki…It’s an addiction, I swear…but…you need help?”

Natsuki cradled her phone with her shoulder as she tied her black and blue Converses on. “Emm…I need a ride. My bike’s outta gas. You mind pickin’ me up on the way?”

Shizuru smiled. “Of course…and you don’t have to ask. I need to drop off tonight’s set of clothes…”


Natsuki scratched her head. Sleep…over…? Oh yeah…Shizuru’s sleeping over tonight, parents outta town, movie night/and more school shopping…damn…

“Oh yeah…you wanna walk home with me after school then?”

“Oh…okay. Ookini Natsuki!”

Natsuki sighed. “No need to thank Shizuru…we’ve known each other all our lives. I don’t know why’d you want to thank me for walking home with me…”

Natsuki almost dropped her phone while she picked up her bag.

“That’s cause I’m grateful I get to spend time with Natsuki…”

Heavily blushing, Natsuki tripped over her shoe.


Shizuru giggled at the sound Natsuki made. “Ara, Natsuki better be careful. Meanwhile, I’ll get Romiro. I’ll see you in … about 5 minutes? Don’t kill yourself sweetie…”

Shizuru hung up before she could here Natsuki yell at her, which she did moments after.


Natsuki stared at the ‘Call Ended’ on her phone. Sighing, she flipped it closed, and went to her refrigerator. Inside was juice, soda, water, mayo…mayo…some bread, mayo, more mayo, and whipped cream.

Why she had whipped cream? Natsuki enjoyed pouring it on her mayonnaise when it was on her ice cream. Mmm…thinking about it made Natsuki hungry, but she took her hands off and closed the door.

Its 6:50…school starts at 7:40. The ride there is ten minutes…and the school is big enough for us to get lost. We have Science, History, Math, and English together. P.E. and our Electives are different. However, Shizuru is going to be a T.A. (Teacher’s Assistant) for my elective, so we can be in one more class together, making her P.E. the same period I will be in. How thoughtful of her, now I can copy all of her homework! Mwhaha, I’m so evil.

Stretching in her blue shirt and black denim jacket, she let out a small yawn. “Mmm…Maybe I’ll take a nap…Shizuru knows where my spare key is…nighty night…”


“Thanks Romiro, I’ll go get Natsuki, please wait here.” The elder man smiled as the young girl jumped out of the silver Mercedes Benz. Approaching Natsuki’s house, she knocked softly on the door.

No answer.

Knocking a bit harder, she paced the coldness outside.

No answer still.

Shizuru sighed, figuring Natsuki was in the bathroom, she bent down and lifted the ‘WELCOME’ mat. Inside was a key, but not the house key. For Natsuki to make three extra cautious safe keys and little puzzle to solve where the spare key was, was smart.

She took the safe key, and went to the the corner where the garage stuck out, which was righ next to the door. There was a little rock in the corner, and Shizuru lifted it. Inside was a small cement hole with the safe saftely lodged inside. Shizuru put the key in, twisted, and pulled at the little handle. Inside was the spare key.

Picking it up, Shizuru put it in door, unlocked it, and put the spare key and the safe key in their original places.

Entering the living room, Shizuru’s eyes widened at the sigh. There, on the couch, was the adorable Natsuki curled up napping. A small brown puppy came and jumped on too Shizuru’s foot, its tail wagging. “Hello Duran, looks like Natsuki is napping like a baby again…shall I wake her?”

Duran yipped, and ran around in circles. Shizuru picked it up, it was still weeks old since Natsuki found it; it was just born and was in a box shivering. The small Jack Russell, jumped on the couch and circled until it found a comfy spot and laid down.

Shizuru smiled and pet his bed, before shaking Natsuki. “Hey, Natsuki…uppity up, its time to go…”

“five more..mmf…minutes…”

Shizuru sighed.

She picked up Natsuki’s bag, and picked up Natsuki herself. The younger girl cuddled against Shizuru’s breast, making her blush, and went out the door. She walked up to the parked car and set Natsuki in the back seat, lying her down fully. She sat in the front next to Romiro and nodded for him to go.

Natsuki was in the world of mayonnaise with Shizuru, they were going through the jungle of Mayonnaise and kept stepping in the gooey white stuff. For some reason, everytime Natsuki innocently said ‘yummy gooey white stuff’ with a mouth full of it, Shizuru would giggle. It was so like her.

All of a sudden, a 2-dimmensional monkey with an evil/mostly-messed-up face jumped in and stole Shizuru. And then the world went ‘Ba-boom’ like a nuclear explosion and Natsuki was then flying in the air like a Chibi.

She flew around until she met a giant gingerbread; it turned out he was God. He made an apple and orange and called them Adam and Eve, and they started to do all this Rated-R stuff, which Natsuki was blinded by for a moment. But then a giant Duran ate God, and Natsuki went ‘Oh My God!’ in some sort of language called “Osaka-ben” and she pointed at Duran with her chin stretching to the floor.

The dog barked around and licked her, making her all wet but it also turned out Shizuru was back and on his head. “Oh, hi Shizuru!” she had said, and all of a sudden, Duran went mechanical and for some reason Natsuki shouted ‘Load Silver Cartridge’, and…

Natsuki opened her eyes. “Whatttttt…theeee…fuck??” Her couch was moving, her dream was weird, and her white ceiling turned grey. She sat up, and found out she was in a car with an old guy in a nice suit driving.

“Holy crap! I’ve been kidnapped in my sleep!!!” Suddenly, a soft chuckle happened and Shizuru’s creamy white smooth face appeared from the front.

Natsuki went silent and her eyes widened as she put together what had happened.

I was sleeping, Shizuru went to pick me up…I wake up and I’m in a car…that must mean…!?

“You kidnapped me Shizuru!?”

Shizuru playfully hit Natsuki on the forehead. “No silly, I carried you to the car. And you really do sleep like a baby, you were sucking your thumb and all curled up…and…you drooled too!”

Natsuki glared at Shizuru while she wiped her mouth. “I do not drool, suck my thumb! However, curling up while sleeping is very warm. Hmmph.” Natsuki said while she crossed her arms; her eyes wandered to the driver’s seat.

They approached a red light and the old man turned around with a bright smile. “Oh, Ohayo Romiro! I didn’t know it was you. Did you helped dear ojou-sama kidnap me?”

Romiro, Shizuru’s caretaker, smiled and chuckled. “No, however I was influenced by her to drug you.”

Natsuki’s eyes playfully widened and she gasped. “NO! Shi-zu-ruuuuu…”

Shizuru smiled and turned around, raising her hands. “All right, I told him to drug you, big deal, I surrender.”

“Good grief Shizuru! This…this is OUTRAGEOUS! I am going to charge you!”

Shizuru put her hands to her head and howled. “Oh. No. I. am. Getting. Charged. What in the world shall I do?”

Romiro smiled. “One things sure, you two can get your butts outta this car cause we’re here at your school.”

Natsuki and Shizuru grinned as they exit the car, and Romiro bid them a good day. Together the two walked to the new school, unaware of the things they would face at their four year stay at this place.


At the campus, a boy with blue side bangs in the front and black spiky hair in the back watched his spiky haired brother eying the two beautiful other freshman exit the car. Sighing, Kazuko hit Takeda. “Oi, stop being a lecherous perv.”

Takeda, a football jock and jerk looked at his younger brother. “Little bro, I can get any girl, and see those two chicks? I am soooo getting’ them in my pants. Look at them, they’re begging for it.”

Kazuko glared at him, and picked up his skateboard. He really wanted to get away from his ugly brother. Or maybe… Kazuko grinned. He could make his brother pissed, which was something he enjoyed. The skinny boy dropped his skateboard and rode to the two laughing beauties, and pretended to hit the midnight-blue haired one.

“Oh, sorry I didn’-“

He froze at the monstrous gaze, not from the girl who he ‘hit’, but from her friend. She had a cold, murderous gaze, and she sent a millions jolts of shivers down his spine. He got scared even more at the angry glare from the girl he hit.

“Shit. I’m seriously sorry, please don’t hurt me, I beg! My older brother was checking you two out he was annoying me so I wanted to annoy him by telling you that so you could…I dunno…do that chick-“ he still saw the glares, “that girl thing which scares guys…more like this, but not to me! To him!” He took a enormously large breath and secretly pointed to his brother and started to back away.


He turned to the emerald eyed girl who softened her gaze. “It’s okay…but thanks for telling us that, I guess…”

Kazuko let out a sigh and smiled. “I’m Kazuko. Masashi Kazuko at your service.”

Natsuki stared at the guy, unaware that Shizuru was glaring her eyes out at him. “I didn’t ask for your name…”

“But it’s a gentleman’s policy. I’d give you the book, but you’re a girl, so its forbidden.”

Natsuki grinned thinking that the guy was okay, and sighed again. “Kuga. Kuga Natsuki, and this is-“

“Her best friend Shizuru Fujino.” Shizuru’s cold voice made Natsuki turn and give her a concerned look, making her to stop her murderous feeling. Oh Kami, please don’t tell me I was … over protective…what has gotten into me! Shizuru shook her head, and let up a faulty smile. “Ano, sorry about that, I am Shizuru. Fujino Shizuru.”

Kazuko smiled. “Cool, so, you two freshmans?”

Natsuki stood up, wiping at the butt her black skinny jeans, Shizuru unconsciously watching her.

“Yep, we came from Bluemarks Junior High…you?”

“North Town Junior High. So we’re all freshman…awesome. What’s you guy’s first period?”

Natsuki held up her schedule. “Umm…first is English with Cunlit-sensei. You?”

“Wait, AP?”


“We have that together, plus, I Heard Cunlit-sensei is pretty cool…and..”

“Hey ladies, you wanna chill with me instead of my annoying brother?”

Shizuru looked at the spiky haired boy and hid her irritation with a calm smile. “Umm, excuse me, but if he was annoying then we would have shoo-ed him away. We only do that to annoying people so…Shoo please!” Shizuru flashed him a sarcastic smile, making him glare at her, and he walked away.

Natsuki looked at Shizuru. “Nice one Shizuru!”

Shizuru’s heart jumped at Natsuki’s words. Whoa…when did a simple compliment make me feel like this…?


Kazuko grinned and put his arms around the two girls. “So, hot stuffs, you guys wanna walk to first period together? Its homeroom, so we’re homies now!”

Shizuru grinned and playfully pushed her and Natsuki’s newly found friend. Natsuki on reflex from him touching Shizuru glared at him and really did push him to the floor. “You call Shizuru- and me, that one more time and I’ll be shoving your skateboard up your ass.”

Kazuko sweat dropped and smiled at her, getting up and carrying his skateboard. Okay, bad idea Kazuko, these girls are weird. They are like…oohh…heh, I get it. I’m getting ‘those’ vibes from them…

Grinning slightly, he muttered, “Plan, plan…”

Natsuki turned to him. “Plan..?”

“Oh, nothing! So, how did you two meet?”


Natsuki shifted her weight onto her other foot and awkwardly glanced at Shizuru, her eyes asking if it was okay to tell him. Shizuru looked at Natsuki, and down. She opened her mouth and-



All three jumped and held their hands up, shouting.

They looked at each other and giggled, while people stared at them. Soon enough, a group of girl’s came by. A blonde one looked at the neatly dressed Shizuru, then disgustedly stared at the way Natsuki dressed and Kazuko.

“Ugh, hello, I’m Serui, and I fear you are hanging out with the…wrong type of people….”

Shizuru was about to glare at the girl for calling Natsuki a ‘wrong’ type, but smiled a fake smile. “I’m Fujino Shizuru, and I believe that Natsuki is my best friend and Kazuko seems like a good one.”

Kazuko slightly blushed by Shizuru’s honest words, while Natsuki glared at the ‘Serui’ girl who tried to steal her Shizuru away. …wait…Her? She’s not mine…Natsuki what are you thinking about! Mou!

Serui was about to consider this new girl a ‘bad’ person herself, but then stopped when she heard ‘Fujino’. She grinned in her thoughts, she could mooch of this girl if she got her on the ‘right’ side. Fujino Shizuru, The Fujino’s, ahh, it was a lucky day for her. Plan, plan…

Unlike Serui, the other girls with her who heard that the other girl was a Fujino, started to spread the appearance of her around.

Shizuru sighed, now her school years will be like her old years. Natsuki grabbed Shizuru’s hand- in a friendly way- and pulled her. “C’mon Shizuru, we don’t have to deal with people like this. Let’s go, class is going to start…ne?”

Kazuko grinned, and pushed the two. “Hai hai, let’s go now! Natsuki-chan is right!”

Natsuki glared at Kazuko but then continued to pull Shizuru to class since Shizuru’s feet weren’t moving; Shizuru was to busy blushing for some reason.

Okay. This is weird. I’ve held Natsuki’s hand before. Why is it like this…now? Her heart was bursting from this new feeling given from Natsuki, and oh so, she didn’t want to lose it. Kazuko followed closely behind, examining the two. By the time they reached the door, Shizuru had stopped the blood flowing to her face and let it back down to circulate.

Inside the class, there were desks paired for two. Natsuki and Shizuru took a seat at the back of the classroom, while Kazuko sat in front of them. Natsuki sighed and folded her arms behind her head, put her foot on the table, and leaned the chair back closing her eyes. Shizuru put one are on her desk and rested her chin on it while she looked at Natsuki.

Natsuki looked back and let out her soft smile; one she only gave out to Shizuru, making her blush a bit. Natsuki…

TBC:: Ahh I missed those old High School Drama stories so I might as well make one. You guys know already who’s going to be paired up with who, however, you don’t know the story, which allures you to READ! MWHAHAHA! MWHAHAHA!

Rawr. Zomg, Zero no Tsukaima (second season), and Ep 8 of Hitohira, have been subbed. ZOMG! Rawr. Spammmmmmmmm. J Read and Review desu!

manga 2



Song Bird

The Natsuki Arc

By xYuki

Chapter 1

To Stupid To Die
Her once pure white shirt was now crimson red, dyed with her own blood. But her pants sadly met the same face. The blood trickled down to her denim jeans, and stayed like glue.

The knife used to injure her bounced off as soon as it hit the bone, and propelled itself onto the ground, poised upwards with the handle like excalibur poised up on bear rock. It’s blade smeared with blood of the righteous, and once held by a vengeful hand.

“Natsuki... we left our cell phones are your place.” Nao said scared out of her mind. They had all forgotten about the brunette, who had left wordlessly.

“Shit... well I ain’t dying yet. We should get me to Youko-sensei.” Natsuki grunted struggling to get up. She shrugged Nao away from her and trudged herself to stand and take a few steps. She didn’t get far before falling down. Nao raced over to her injured lover and draped Natsuki’s free arm around her shoulder and helped her stand. Though due to the height difference, Natsuki was crouching slightly.

“You... are lighter then you look.” Nao said trying not to laugh. The current situation didn’t need her stupid remarks.

“Heh...” Natsuki mumbled as she tried to focus her free eye.

Her right hand covered the right eye trying to keep the flow of blood low. But the blood that rushed out, spread all over her beautiful face. Lush streams of Natsuki’s life force ran freely through the cracks of her hand. A river of blood was rushing down over he left in a slow manner, thus obstructing what ever free vision she had left.

“You ain’t gonna die on me yet, are ya?” Nao asked as they made their way to the school slowly. Nao put on a strong grin, but the look on her eyes... she wanted to cry. She wanted to be weak... she just wanted to cry.

“Hey don’t you listen?” Natsuki grunted as she summed up her will power to stand up straight and pushed away from Nao’s support once again. She took a few more steps, follow by some more. She managed to stabilize herself, with some swaying. “I ain’t dying yet.”

Natsuki took a few more independent steps, before losing her will to go on. She stopped walking and hunched over a bit. A grin was plastered on her face. The rivers of blood running down freely became larger.

“Natsuki!” Nao shouted angrily as she made a dash for the gap that was between them. Tears started to run down her face as she made her way to the injured wolf pack leader. “God dammit, you’re stupider then you look to!” Nao yelled as she grabbed her lovers left arm and threw it over her shoulders. She then wrapped her right arm around the older girl’s waist, as she held onto her left.

“Nao... you might as well... get to that damned alcoholic’s office on your own...” Natsuki mumbled out of breath. Her eyes started to close, but then shoot back open. Her breathing became erratic, as her body got colder. “Go!”

Nao stood there unable to speak. She didn’t want to leave her there, actually... there was no way in hell she’d ever leave her here. Though if one thinks rationally at the current moment, one would know that leaving the injured person where she is, and running for help would be better, and faster. But Nao was never really one to think rationally.

“Ok.” Nao grumbled. This was going against every moral she had... but her instincts were kicking in.

She set Natsuki down slowly, making sure not to make the older girl move to quickly. The flow of blood was rather scary, but one has to persevere for love... right?

Natsuki grunted as pain shot up from the wound, quickly grabbing onto Nao’s hand for support. Her breathing be came forced. Inhale, exhale, inhale... exhale... in...hale... ex... hale. Her breathing was slowing down dramatically.

“Oh God... Natsuki you better not be dead by the time I come back, or I’ll kill you myself!” Nao exclaimed to the injured wolf.

She pulled herself away from the scene, running as fast as she could. The school wasn’t that far away. Just a few more feet and she was in. A quick turn and se was at the doctor’s office. ‘I can make it.’

Change of View

‘How the hell did this happen?’ I thought. ‘I had to keep my mind of the pain by thinking... ok but thinking of the doesn’t help.’ It hurt to think to.

My head was throbbing, and felt like it was on fire, but yet it felt cold. I was losing blood fast, to fast for my comfort. I removed my hand from my wound and looked. My hand was red, covered all over with my own blood.

‘I didn’t know I had this much...’ grimacing I laid on the ground unable to do any other action. I didn’t feel it necessary to keep my hand covering the wound. It was all the same really. Blood goes out, and doesn’t stop. Hand there just makes a pool.

‘I’ve always wondered if I had enough blood to fill a pool, and not die.’ I thought as I started to laugh out of no where. ‘The fuck did that come from?’ I grumbled at the silence surrounding me. “Ok I’m officially losing it. First I’m thinking to myself, and now... I’m aware of it. Woow.” I said to break the silence.

Like a train through a tunnel... I bucked up grasping the wound. The jolt of pain felt like an eternity. The stinging pain was something I had never felt before. Shot, stabbed, slashed, and tackled to the ground by a foot ball player, were all sensations I’ve felt before. But this is something new.

“Nao...” I gasped, struggling to maintain my consciousness. I arched my back forward, as I hung my head low. I could still feel the blood drip down, much slower then before, but all the same feel.

It was a dark and gloomy day today. Yet it seemed symbolic to me. I stood over you, watching you with an apathetic stare. You called out my name several times. Each sounding more desperate each time. I couldn’t stand to see you like this anymore.

I turned around and started to walk away. I heard you scream out my name and begging me to come back. But I couldn’t stay any longer. There are some things that you should never want. I’m one of those things.

Looking back I saw that you stayed in the spot I left you in. You had your head hung low, and hugging yourself from either cold or pain. Your quiet sobs drowned out in the torrential rain. My ears where numb to your voice, but I knew you were still calling out to me.

You were out of sight... but not out of mind. I looked up at the sky remorsefully. I stopped dead in my tracks and looked down. I let out a heavy sigh as I let my mind wander off to you, and just like that my body started to move on its own.

I turned heel and took a deep breath as I ran back to you. The sound of my foot steps against the rain matched my heart. Each step sounded louder, much like each beat. My breaths became shorter as my body became exhausted. Running against the wind and rain, not to mention the traction was horrible, really took it out of me.

I was getting closer and closer to where I left you. I stopped once again, out of breath and weary. You still sat on the cold went cement crying softly. My breathing became steady as I watched you. I could see my own breath every time I exhaled. It was cold, spring shower.

Shaking my head of all other thoughts I dashed over to you. You heard my foot steps and looked at me.

The rain had soaked you to the bone. You looked at me pleadingly as if begging for an answer. Your stare lingered on me like a small, but noticeable thread. You rubbed your eyes cutely, and blinked three times to check if your vision was correct. I walked over to you, and knelt down. I smiled at you the only way my heart would let me.

I reached out to you and brushed away some of the hair that clung onto your beautiful face due to the rain. Your clothes were soaking wet and clinging onto your slim form. The very form I dream about every night... Your white tank top was see through, giving me a nice view of your bra and cleavage... I might have loved the view, but my mind was some where else.

“I’m glad I found you! I’m so sorry I left you. I really am, please forgive me?” I pleaded. The look in your eyes wanted to believe me, but something was holding you back. I smiled at you apologetically. You closed your eyes shut looking away, as you bit your lower lip.

My smile started to falter as the seconds passed by with out reaction. I felt slightly dejected at your cold reaction. I figured you wouldn’t budge, so I gave up. I ran my hand through your rain stricken hair. I sadly let go, losing the warmth and feeling the cold nipping of the water pellets.

I stood up and back away from you, walking backwards slowly so I could at least see you before leaving. I turned around thinking that I’ve captured your image into my mind. Engraving it in stone... the sight of you crying in the rain.

I heard foot steps coming from behind me. I turned around quickly and watched as you ran straight into my arms. I was surprised at first, but standing here with you... felt all to right. I encircled you as tightly as I could. Cherishing every moment I had you in my embrace.

End Flashback
“I’m getting sleepy...” I mumbled to myself, leaning forward. I didn’t have enough energy to sit up straight anymore, I wanted to lie down.

My vision was getting blurry. My left eye kept closing, and opening. I finally allowed myself to lull into a conscious, yet unconscious sleep. My body ached, and I felt so cold... I want someone to hold me... ‘Nao.’

I heard voices calling out to me, but I didn’t move. No, I couldn’t move. My body was numb to all sensations. I felt heat though, I felt warm hands grasping my own.

“N-Nao...” I mumbled weakly. I looked at you thought my periphery. Your face was as beautiful as always, but a frown marred it. Keeping it away from your usual perfection. “Smile for me, Nao...” I asked, willing myself to smile.

“I wouldn’t find the will to...” you replied sadly. “Ok, Youko-sensei call for an ambulance... it’ll be here soon. Hang on for me ok?” You gripped my hand tightly as you looked at me.

“Who do you think you’re talking to?” I asked you getting some of my strength back. I cracked a weak grin. You looked at me with a quirked eye brow, and a confused look. “I’m Kuga Natsuki... and I’m to stupid to die.”

“Baka...” you grumbled, as you started to giggle. You smiled at me due to the laughter. I freed my hand from your own slowly. “Huh?”

I cupped your cheek with my bloody hand and said, “Thank you, for smiling for me.” I felt myself slipping from your skin, as my hand fell to your side. “Thank you...”

My world went dark, but the image that stayed in my mind’s eyes... was you.
There you have it. :3 The first chapter of the new Arc. I’m pretty sure you guys are going to be pissed at me for not explaining my reasoning for this.

Ok, as you can see I made Oh My Juliet as the Nao arc. If anyone noticed, everything was pretty much about Nao. My plot goes through a lot of people, and most of it wouldn’t fit with the Oh My Juliet, title.

:X So the same thing will happen to the Song Bird, this is a Natsuki arc. I think this’ll be the last one to.
ReviewsTakayelie - :X I never said it was the end. It’s just the end of the Nao Arc, not the story itself.

Thepillows93 - o.o It’s neither the end, nor a cliff hanger. And as you can see... I did.

Uchiha-chan - I never meant it as a a cliff hanger. Just the end of an arc. :X Oh My Juliet is over, but the entire story itself is not.
O.o No one got the genius of my idea. Sigh. I might just stop Song Bird here... I really would like some replies, saying that they want it to go on. Cause I'm slightly confused about this right now.

my first fan fiction

My first fan fiction; about my beautiful princess Akira and her prince, Takumi. While I was writing this chapter I had almost no inspiration so please bear with it if it is repulsively boring. (But I might not have done such a good job). This fanfic is combining information from both manga and anime. Anyway ENJOY! .

Chapter 1

“Feel’s good to be home!” the greened haired girl yelled and stretched. “It’s been so long since the last time being in Japan.”

“Yea, it’s been a while,” the boy next to her said. He took a deep breath and let it out. It feels nice, since it’s been a long time since we’ve been back as Fuuka Gakuen, Takumi thought.

“Yo Takumi, Akira-kun, over here!” a girl with short orange hair yelled. She waved at the two teens, and motioned her hand to show them where they where. Akira and Takumi looked at each other and walked over.

“Onee-chan, it’s been a long time,” Takumi said and hugged his sister. He was like a lost boy finding his mother. Akira laughed.

“Yup it’s been a long time, it’s good that the surgery was a success,” Mai said hugging him back. Mikoto ran and jumped on Akira.

“Akira!” Mikoto Screamed and pulled Akira crazy. Akira looked around, everyone was there. Takumi’s surgery was a success and they are all here to welcome him and his ninja friend back.

“So how was it there,” Mai said and walked back with Takumi. We all walked back to the dorm. On the way back Nao walked up to Akira. Mikoto was stilling clinging on to her, and Nao walked next to Akira like she wasn’t there. It’s been along time since Akira talked to Nao and Mikoto. The last time was when they fought the obsidian lord together.

“So how was it there,” Nao said all of a sudden bringing Akira’s attention to her. Akira looked at Nao’s face, and somehow her grin did not look very pleasant.

“It was ok. The surgery went out fine as you can see,” Akira said and tried to think of other things that might have seemed “interesting”.

“That’s not what I meant, and you know it,” Nao smirked and looked at Takumi.

“I don’t know what your thinking but nothing happen,” Akira said and looked at the opposite direction and blushed a little.

“Ah, but that means you DO know what I mean,” she said and laughed. Akira blushed a little more.

“Shut up, nothing happen,” the poor girl said quietly almost as if she was muttering. Nao looked at Akira’s face, which was not as red. She sighed.

“You guys are so slow, three months and nothing; it makes me really wonder if you’re a girl anymore.”

“SHUT UP NAO,” Akira shouted which made her mad more then she was embarrassed. She raised her fist wanting to punch Nao. Nao laughed a loud laugh. She looked at Takumi’s direction, and surly it got his attention. Takumi looked at the two girls, one laughing the other blushing.

“…Takumi?” Mai said trying to get his attention. Takumi turned back around and looked at his sister. She looked at the back trying to figure out what was taking his attention, and she saw it. She turned around and took a peek at her brother’s face and smiled.

“So how was it,” she asked smiling.

“Huh?” Takumi said in a questioned way.

“I mean with you and Akira-kun,” she said not looking at him but in front. Takumi cheeks redden a little but frowned. “That means nothing huh?” his sister said. Takumi didn’t say anything. She sighed. They continued to walk in silence.

“I got to go so byes! It’s good that you came back in one piece, but don’t forget about school,” Midori said to Takumi and Akira and left as we got close to the dorms of Fuuka Gakuen. After that everyone said his or her goodbyes and left. All that was left was, Takumi, Akira, Nao, Mikoto, and Mai, even Yuuich had to go because the next day he had to go to work early.

“Let’s go to your dorm, we can help you unpack,” Mai said looking at Akira and Takumi.

“I can’t I got some stupid essay thing due tomorrow and unfortunately I really can’t have anymore late stuff ‘cause it would be my eleventh late work,” Nao said leaving. “And I’m also not interested in unpacking,” she muttered to herself. She walked past Akira and whispered. “I wouldn’t want to be the one to disturb you guys,” she said and winked. Akira blushed.

“NAO YOU LITTLE,” Akira screamed as Nao laughed and ran away. She glared at the running figure. Surprisingly Akira Also found Mikoto chasing Nao as well.

“Wait, Nao!” Mikoto screamed running after the distant figure.

“Those two have been really close since there room has been changed. Now there roommates,” Mai said looking at Mikoto run and giggled. She looked at Akira who was still a little red and Takumi who just stood there. Mai sighed. These two are impossible.

“I guess I’ll leave too,” Mai said scratching her head thinking of an excuse.

“Huh? Why?” Takumi asked, walking closer to his sister, leaving Akira. Akira stood there as they talked.

“It’s a letter.”

“What?” Akira said tensing up and looking around. There was no one around her. But she notice there was a letter in her hand. She looked at the letter with caution and flipped the letter to the front. “Huh.” She whispered. It’s from-

“Akira –kun,” the boy said running and catching his breath. “Let’s go.”

“Where’s your sister,” she said looking around Takumi.

“She had to go, so let’s go back,” Takumi said as he started to walk towards the boy’s dorm. Akira nod and started to walk.

“Akira-kun I’m going to go buy something and go make dinner,” Takumi said as soon as he dropped his things off.

“Sure,” Akira said watching the cheerful little boy leave. What is he so hyped about…Anyway, she thought and dug out the letter from her pocket. She went to her side of the room and took out some of her clothing and went to the bath room. She took her time and got ready for a bath. When the water was ready she undressed and quickly went in. she relaxed her self and sighed.

“This feels so nice,” she said to herself. “Now where the letter,” she said and went through her pile of clothing and got the letter. It was from Akira’s family. She opened it and threw the envelope away and took the letter and started to read it.

“Dear Akira. Please return home as soon as possible after you read this letter, there is something important to attend and I wish for you, Aki and Karinna to be back. Father,” Akira read slowly. She sank down a little. She looked at the letter with worry. She read it again.

What is this about?